Asia snack bamboo sticks with delivery service in Osnabrück.

The Asia Snack Bamboo Sticks in Osnabrück offers delicious Asian food and a delivery service in Osnabrück. The delivery service brings all dishes hot and tasty to the front door.

Tel. No. Delivery Service: 0 5411 - 81 98 95

Monday closed day!

Delivery service from Asia Snack Bamboo Sticks in Osnabrück.

The delivery service from The Asia Snack Bamboo Sticks always brings the food home hot and tasty.


Look at the opening hours.

Beautiful Asian restaurant.

The Asia Snack Bamboo Sticks in Osnabrück is comfortably decorated in Asia.

All dishes are prepared fresh and individually as desired.

The chef prepares all ingredients as desired.


Check out the menu.

The food is always bought fresh.

All seafood is freshly delivered and processed daily.

The Asia Restaurant offers bamboo sticks for every taste.

Look at the approach.

Lecker gebratener reis so wie beim Asia Imbiss Bambusstäbchen  mit Lieferservice in Osnabrück.